Long-Term Career Outcome Study



The Long Term Career Outcome Study (LTCOS) was established in response to a Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) recommendation to collect institutional outcomes data. The multi-departmental LTCOS team seeks to provide a model of “educational epidemiology” whereby educational processes can be linked to long-term educational, and potentially patient-care, outcomes. LTCOS represents a unique educational lab given the size of the MHS (if it were its own country it would be the 6th largest in the world), our closed system (we can follow learners for example, from medical school through 20 or more years into practice) and our educational expertise whereby we can answer challenging questions that face the MHS, the United States, and potentially the world. In sum, the LTCOS collaboration has the capability of becoming an education Framingham Study


LTCOS logo



LTCOS has three primary foci:


1. Program Evaluation to Support Accreditation: We conduct diverse program evaluations in order to generate evidence-based evaluations of USU’s efforts in meeting its educational objectives, especially those for accreditation purposes.

2. Translation of Educational Research Findings into Practice: Support the translation of research in health professions education into improved practices and policies within USU’s medical school, graduate school of nursing, graduate programs in biomedical sciences and public health, residencies, and beyond (e.g., inform admissions and instruction strategies). LTCOS findings serve to inform key stakeholders both inside and outside of USU.

3. Leadership in Health Professions Scholarship: Generate scientific knowledge that establishes USU as a local, national, and international leader in the field of health professions education (e.g., peer-reviewed publications and extramural grant funding).


Examples of LTCOS Themes:

  • Admissions
  • Wellbeing and Burnout
  • Clinical Reasoning
  • Pediatrics
  • Academic Coaching


LTCOS Publications (CLICK HERE)




Ting Dong, PhD

Research Associate Professor, CHPE
Assistant Director LTCOS

Sami Abuhamdeh, PhD

Yen Lee, PhD