Active duty or civilian (Administratively Determined or GS employee) healthcare professionals who work at a Military or Federal Treatment Facility are eligible to apply for an HPE certificate or degree. HPE also admits learners through established Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with various institutions. For example, HPE currently has an MOU with Veterans Affairs (VA) that allows national faculty to be admitted into the certificate program on a space-available basis.


→ Apply now through July 1, 2025, for the IFHPE or the FHPE certificate programs. *

HPE is now accepting applications for the Introduction to Foundations in Health Professions Education (IFHPE) and the Foundations in Health Professions Education (FHPE) to start courses in November. The IFHPE and the FHPE certificates are for individuals who wish to enhance their skills in leadership, research, and teaching. Both certificates are important stepping stones toward the masters and doctorate programs in HPE, which continue to be highly competitive with many well-qualified candidates.  

*Degree candidates are advised to apply during the application window from Sept. 1 to Nov. 1, 2025, which is when HPE will start reviewing applicants for degree programs that start in May 2026.  As part of the admissions process, eligible degree applicants who submit an Empower application by the Nov. 1, 2025, deadline will be considered for interviews in December. Following HPE Admissions Committee recommendations, the Graduate Education Office (GEO) will notify certificate and degree applicants by email in early to mid-February. 


First-time applicants to an HPE program should follow the application instructions outlined below. Current and returning learners (those who graduated from an HPE program three years or less before the start of the next academic year) can email HPE@usuhs.edu to inquire about a modified application process.



Before starting your online application, please prepare the following, required information*:

Document Attachments

*Tip: Combine your documents into one, single PDF to upload with your application rather than uploading multiple files. 

Recommendation Letters
  • Name and email address of your direct supervisor, who will need to provide a letter of support (LOS). You may also upload the LOR, which should include your supervisor’s email address and phone number, and state that they are your supervisor and that they approve your participation in the program for which you are applying.

  • Names and email addresses for two additional recommendation letter writers. Your letter writers should receive an automated email request; however, we recommend you contact them to confirm that they received the request. Letters may also be emailed to UniversityAdmissions@usuhs.edu.

Previous Education

Please only list institutions where you received a degree and omit institutions where you may have only taken a few courses; once an institution is listed, you must provide a transcript for it. This includes complete college transcripts and transcripts of all previous graduate studies (if applicable). 

Contact each institution and request that transcripts be sent to UniversityAdmissions@usuhs.edu.


  • USU graduates will still need to submit that transcript by contacting registrar@usuhs.edu and requesting your USU transcript be added to your application. 

  • Applicants who have a doctorate-level degree and currently hold a faculty appointment at USU, can provide their USU Faculty Appointment letter and a photo of their doctorate diploma, in place of transcripts. These materials should be sent via email to UniversityAdmissions@usuhs.edu.

  • Physician applicants who hold a license to practice medicine and are board-certified in the USA can provide proof of the license and/or board certification, in place of transcripts.

Questions? Email HPE@usuhs.edu.