Duane R Bidwell


Department of Primary Appointment:
School of Medicine
Health Professions Education
Assistant Professor of Health Professions Education
Location: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD
Research Interests:
Health professions education, leadership, medical humanism, psychotherapy, spirituality


Ph.D. Texas Christian University
M.Div., Texas Christian University
B.S., Texas Christian University

Career Highlights: Positions, Projects, Deployements, Awards and Additional Publications

2010-2022 - Professor of Practical Theology, Spiritual Care, and Counseling and Accreditation Liaison Officer - Claremont School of Theology

2018-2021 - Director of International Diploma in Social Construction and Professional Practice - The Taos Institute

2009-2019 - Senior Staff Clinician and Supervisor - The Clinebell Institute for Pastoral Counseling and Psychotherapy

2009-2012 - "Beyond Apologetics: Sexual Identity, Pastoral Theology, and Pastoral Practice" research grant with Joretta Marshall, PhD

2008-2012 - "Children's Accounts of Hope in Chronic Illness," collaborative research with Donald L. Batisky, MD

2007-2009 - Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology - Phillips Theological Seminary

2006-2007 - “Promotion of Health and Community through Parish Nursing,” a strategic-initiative fund grant between Texas Christian University and Brite Divinity School (Rhonda Keen, Ph.D., principal investigator; Nancy Ramsay, Ph.D., co-investigator)

2002-2007 - Director, Pastoral Care and Training Center - Texas Christian University

Representative Bibliography

Bidwell, DR, Samuel, A, Cervero, RM, Durning, SJ, Stephan, SL, Patel, EL, Bowman, MA, Meyer, HS. Prioritized Competencies for Designated Education Officers in the Veterans Health Administration. Military Medicine. 2024: 1-6.

Bidwell, DR, Samuel, A, Cervero, RM, Durning, SJ, Stephan, SL, Patel, EL, Bowman, MA, Meyer, HS. Perceptions of Key Responsibilities and Professional Development Desires of Senior Educational Leaders: A Needs Assessment. Academic Medicine. 2024.

"Spiritual Care in Totalitarian Contexts: Lessons from Cuba and Vietnam," in The Art of Spiritual Care Across Religious Difference, revised edition, Jill Snodgrass, ed., pp. 131-152. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2024). Co-authored with Daniel S. Schipani, Dr.Psy., Ph.D.

After the Worst Day Ever: What Sick Kids Know about Sustaining Hope in Chronic Illness (Boston: Beacon, 2024).

When One Religion Isn't Enough: The Lives of Spiritually Fluid People (Boston: Beacon, 2018)

Spirituality, Social Construction, and Relational Processes: Essays and Reflections (Ed.) (Chagrin Falls, OH: WorldShare Books, 2016)

Empowering Couples: A Narrative Approach to Spiritual Care (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2013)

The Formation of Pastoral Counselors: Challenges and Opportunities (co-editor with Joretta Marshall) (New York: Routledge, 2007)

Short-term Spiritual Guidance (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2004)